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Nancy Thompson
Uptown PR
TTi Global Employee Receives 'Chevrolet I Care' Award for Act of Kindness
Here is a TTi Global employee story we wanted to share with you, it’s an amazing act of kindness displayed by one of our employees in Dubai who is a Master Technical Trainer on contract with GM Middle East. His name is Alaa Elhawwari. He helped a stranded family on the side of a Dubai Highway. After the encounter, the man wasn’t able to get Alaa’s contact information, so he emailed the CEO of GM, Mary Barra. Here is the email sent by the man and his family, to Mary Barra. We won’t put the real name of the car owner in the story, so we’ll call him A.N.Here’s the email/story:
Dear Frau Barra,
Good Morning, My name is A.N, I live in Dubai and I own a Volvo V40. Yes I am not a Chevrolet Owner. I am sending this email to you (After I Googled your position "GM Boss") and I got your name.
Hope this email will reach you. I would like to thank and send my gratitude to one of your Employees who literally saved my family (Wife and Kid). On the 1st of September, my car broke down on a highway in Dubai, I had my wife and sick kid with me. After I called the Volvo assistance - they were late- and I was totally clueless. A gentle man with (a Bright Yellow Chevrolet Camaro) stopped in front of me and offered to help. My kid got excited about the Yellow Camaro because it reminds him of Bumblebee in the Transformers movie. This Gentleman introduced himself as Alaa and that he works as Instructor in General Motors Dubai. He offered help, and he told me that he can’t solve this issue and the Volvo dealer has to come.
He offered to take my wife and kid in his car and drive them home (and he wanted to leave me his ID) to make me feel comfortable. I am sorry to say this but I refused, as I will not send my family with someone I don’t know. So he gave me the key to his car and he told me that he will wait beside my broken Volvo till I drive my wife and kid and comeback. He said jokingly “This is what happens to you if you don’t get a Chevrolet!” I took the car and drove my family home and went to the dealership as the car was already towed there, he gave me my belongings that were inside the car and he took his car and went away. I didn’t have the chance to thank him or to get any contact for him.
So if you receive this mail can you please send my thanks and appreciation to that gentleman, and please send me his contact details as I want to thank him in person.
And seriously, if all people in GM are like this, no wonder you are the biggest car company.
Thanks & Best Regards,
This email did make its way to Mary Barra and the GM Middle East/TTi Global team. Alaa didn’t mention this encounter to his co-workers so the GM team surprised him for his wonderful act of kindness, and awarded him the regional ‘Chevrolet I Care’ award. This award is reserved for acts where employees have gone above and beyond to demonstrate that they live the GM “I Care” promise. As a TTi Global employee we are very proud of Alaa, he is a great example of the culture and values we pride ourselves with globally as an organization. Integrity is what drives us to create value and long-fulfilling relationships with our customers, our employees and the communities and societies we operate in. Congrats, Alaa!!

Alaa Elhawwari(far left), Manny Suriel (GM Middle East) and TTi Global CEO Lori Blaker (right)

Lori Blaker, CEO of TTi Global, congratulating Alaa.